Smoked Prosciutto Filet

Smoked Prosciutto Filet

Steak dinner, it’s a classic dish we’re all familiar with. What we’re learning in the food industry is that this up-and-coming generation loves to put new spins on classic dishes. While a cut of meat wrapped in bacon is no new player in the game, I encourage you to elevate your next steak night with this dish. The Smoked Prosciutto Filet. The thin, delicate prosciutto shrink wraps itself and seals the butter and seasonings into your steak. My wife and I had a fun time going live on Instagram and cooking this dish with you in our kitchen. So put a new spin on an old classic for your next steak dinner and try this recipe! Happy smoking!


2 8 Oz steak fillets

2 Packages prosciutto

1 Brazilian Steakhouse Marinade

1 Tbsp sea salt

¼ Cup water

1 Tbsp white wine vinegar

¼ Cup olive oil

4 Tbsp butter

    Equipment Used:

    P10 Bradley Smoker

    Bradley Smoker Foldable Table

    Bradley Smoker Non-Stick Silicone Mats

    Bradley Smoker Tools

    Thermoworks Timestick Trio

    Thermoworks Thermapen One

    Bradley Smoker Settings:

    Wood: Beer

    Temperature: 226ºF (107.8ºC)

    Smoke Timer: 60 minutes

    Timer: 120 minutes


    Marinade the steak—In a small bowl add 1 package Brazilian marinade, ¼ cup water. ¼ cup olive oil, 1 tbsp white wine vinegar, and stir. Time to marinade the steak—add the steak to the bow, cover, and chill in the fridge for 6 hours.

    Set Bradley Smoker to the listed settings above.

    Take the steak filets and sit them on a cutting board. Take 2 tbsp butter, place on top of the steak and wrap the entire steak in prosciutto. Ensure the steak has no openings so the butter will not leak out.

    Cook on the Bradley smoker for about 2 hours or until the internal temperature reaches 150ºF (65.6ºC).

    Remove from the smoker and slice into small strips. Sprinkle sea salt on top of the steak and enjoy!

    Recipe by: Bryan Edwards – Moodie Foodie Tulsa


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