Hot Smoked Chicken Wings
Chicken Wings
Dry Brine:2tbsp Sea Salt
1tbsp Soft Brown Sugar
4 Sprigs of Thyme or Lemon Tyme, leaves removed
1tsp Ground Black Pepper
1tsp Garlic Powder
1tsp Paprika
1tsp Onion Powder
1 Lemon, zested
Combine all of the dry brine ingredients into a mortar and pestle or spice grinder and grind to a fine powder. Rub the dry brine mixture into the chicken wings really well, ensuring they are all well covered. Sit the wings onto a rack on a tray to catch any juices and leave in the fridge uncovered for 1-4 hours.
Pat the chicken wings all over with kitchen paper, removing as much moisture as possible - the dryer the skin the crisper it will get.
Set the smoker to 110C and once up to temperature turn the smoke on. For the chicken wings we are using Hickory wood bisquettes but you can choose to use whichever Bradley Flavour Bisquettes you wish.
Add the chicken wings to the smoker with a tray on the rack below to catch any drippings and juices and smoke for 1.5-2 hours until the internal temperature is 75C.